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Hawker Hurricane WW2 fighter plastbyggesett



Vingespenn: 22 cm

Lengde:        18 cm

Materiale:      PVC

Skala:             1:48

Farge:             Grønn

Type sett: Educational toys, assembled toys

Detaljert enkelt plastbyggesett som kan settes sammen uten bruk av lim. Settet er ferdig lakkert og påsatt dekaler. Passer ypperlig til opplæring eller innføring i en hobby som krever nøyaktighet, forsiktighet og tålmodighet.  Settet består av over 50 små og store deler.

Need to Assemble:

  1. Fine workmanship, the simulation of the appearance to restore the real machine.
  2. Assemble the model and exercise the children's ability and intelligence.
  3. Assemble the model, firm and without glue.
  4. The propeller can be rotated.
  5. The best gift for children.

The Hurricane fighter was the famous fighter in the World War II. It was called the most important weapon to save the British, in Britain. About 1,500 German planes were shot down in the battle, more than other planes and ground fires combined to shoot down. In the previous French battlefield, it was also the main force against the German Air Force.

The Hurricane fighter was designed and built by the British Hawker Aircraft Company in the 1930s. It flew in November 1935 and served in 1937. By the end of 1944, Hawker produced 14,000 Hurricanes and Sea Hurricanes, and in the World War II. Service in the battlefield. For many years after the war, every time the "British Battle" anniversary, there will be a Hurricane flying over London, indicating respect for this legendary aircraft.