Lengde: 385 mm
Bredde: 290 mm
Høyde: 225 mm
Vekt: 1560 gram
Motor: type 540
Regulator: ESC for 540 motor
Drift: 2WD
Populært vintage Tamiya byggesett av høy kvalitet. For å gjøre bilen helt ferdig til bruk så trenger man i tillegg radio, styreservo, batteri og lader. Karosseriet må også lakkeres. Standard farge er gul, TS-16 yellow. KLIKK HER
Another one of Tamiya’s classic creations, the R/C Lunch Box (1st released, 1987) was loved for its camp appearance as much as for its R/C performance. The boxy minivan body raised up over monster truck wheels ensure that this R/C van will get attention anywhere you choose to drive it. Use the sides of the van as a canvas to paint your own original designs for the ultimate conversation piece!
Specs and Features: