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UHU allplast lim 30 gram



Klart original UHU universallim. 
Egner seg godt til plast, glass, keramikk, plexiglass – og mye mer!
Rynker ikke papir. 

Tørker fort, oppnår god styrke og forblir gjennomsiktig.

Product information

UHU allplast is a transparent, powerful universal adhesive for plastics for versatile use in the home, for handicrafts, repairs and model making. The hard adhesive film remains transparent and is resistant to cold and heat.

What materials does UHU Allplast bond?

Bonds all commercially available plastics with the exception of Styropor®, PE, PP.

How is UHU Allplast processed?

Clean bonding surfaces well (dry and free of dust and grease). Apply a thin layer on one side, on porous or rough surfaces on both sides. Join and fix the parts to be bonded immediately. For hard, closed surfaces, allow to dry for 3 - 4 minutes, apply another coat to one surface, join together - fix briefly. Only apply a very thin coat to thin-walled plastic surfaces!

Article details:

  • powerful universal adhesive for plastics
  • high adhesive strength by dissolving the plastic surface (cold welding)
  • the hard adhesive film remains transparent