Styrbart halehjul opp til 75 lbs modellvekt

  • 575,-
  • 398,-
På lager.

Hjuldiameter: 51 mm
Total lengde: 280 mm
Høyde: 120 mm
Dimensjon: Ø 8 mm
Vekt: 200 gram
Materiale: Stainless steel
Modellvekt: opp til 75 lbs

Kvalitets ekstra solid halehjul fra Ohio SS Products Inc.som passer/kan tilpasses de fleste modeller med vekt opp til 75 lbs.

Reviewed in the United States:

Verified Purchase

These are the best "bang for the buck" out there in tailwheels. I have the Haigh style on two large RC airplanes and love them. They are simple, durable, get the tail high up off the ground and are inexpensive. If you're looking for bling, These may not be your product.  If you want a nice looking, well thought out and reasonably priced product that won't cause chest palpitations when you see the price, go Ohio-Superstar.